Pop-up Zoo

POP-UP ZOO, by Martine Perrin, was a hit with my son (3.5 years old) immediately! We haven’t had a lot of pop-up books before now because I presumed they would get ripped quickly, so animals leaping out of the page was a big novelty, and resulted in squeals of joy.


I love the stylised design and bold colours of this board book. And as well as learning some new French words, there was a simple mystery to solve…who took the zoo-keeper’s keys?

About the Author

Martine Perrin’s trained as an architect and explains how she incorporates that into her children’s books, « In architecture school, I learned how to learn, to look, to amaze me, to wonder, to organize, to imagine, to have intentions and cope with stress. I make albums as objects, to try to convey to children and toddlers pictures as spaces that are added to or subtracted or hide or deceive the reading, to offer them another look. » (Source: www.editionsmilan.com)


On Martine Perrin’s delightful interactive website children can experiment with colours and designs on animal pictures with her online colouring tool.

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  1. […] ne manquez pas la critique en anglais de Jenny Brent sur cette palpitante enquête policière pour […]

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